In our modern times special skills may be needed to understand teenagers and to communicate with them. Parents make every effort to help and guide adolescents. . Advice, encouragement, persuasion, criticism, threat, punishment …..none of these might produce the outcome that the parents want to bring about. Many teenagers refuse to take professional help, thereby missing valuable opportunities for timely intervention.

Common Problems for which psychological help is sought :

  • 1. Teenage underachievement / sudden or gradual deterioration in academic performance
  • 2. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Syndrome ( ADHD) Difficulty to concentrate
  • 3. Lack of motivation. Disorganized. Erratic study habits
  • 4. Depressive conditions in teenagers
  • 5. Social anxiety, examination stress, Inability to make friends, communication deficits
  • 6. Teenager aggressiveness, violence, conduct disorder, disruptive/ anti-social behavior
  • 7. Teenage relationship issues / conflicts
  • 8. Conflict with one or both parents, oppositional, defiant behavior, rebellious attitudes

Since 1994 Dr George Kaliaden has been providing counseling, training and mentoring to teenagers and college youth. He is the founder of the well-known “Teenager Dynamic” Program (see the book, Palgrave MacMillan, New York, 2015). He served as Counseling Psychologist at Middlesex University for 16 years and has conducted over 170 training workshops for teenagers as on January 2022. We continue to help the youth advance their level of functioning by improving their motivation, learning skills, communications skills, emotional intelligence, decision skills and other self-management skills. We help parents better understand teenagers and effectively manage their behavior. Thousands of teenagers and their families who benefited by these programs continue as our valued ambassadors since 1994. Details of the Program are given under Online Services / Webinars. Visit